Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Feature of distance marker

1) 3 feet (1 m) line

1) 3 feet (1 m) line
2) 6.5 feet (2 m) line
3) 10 feet (3 m) line

The distance marker shows the distance on the road. If there is a car or other object close behind, distance cannot be correctly displayed.


 Starting and operating


 Moonroof – if moonroof cannot be closed

If the moonroof cannot be closed with the moonroof switch, you can close the moonroof manually. 1. Take out the screwdriver from the tool bucket. 2. Open the overhead console. Refer to “Overhead console” F6-8. 3. Remove the two screws that retain the moonroof switch body. Then, remove the

 Tone and balance control

Each brief press of the “TUNE/TRACK/ CH” dial changes the control modes in the following sequence. Choose the desired level for each mode by turning the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial. The control function returns to the tune/ track/channel control mode after approximately 5 seconds.

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