Subaru Outback (BR) 2010-2015 Service Manual
Service Manual for fouth generation Subaru Outback, model years 2010-2015. These manuals are used when performing maintenance, repair or diagnosis of Subaru Outback. The manuals contain the latest information at the time of publication. Changes in the specifications, methods, etc. may be made without notice.
Before driving in cold weather, make sure the wiper blades are not frozen to
the windshield or rear window.
If the wiper blades are frozen to the windshield or rear window, perform the
following procedure.
● To thaw the windshield wiper blades, use the defroster with the airflow selectio
Continued driving with the AWD warning light flashing can lead to powertrain
damage. If the AWD warning light flashes, promptly park in a safe place then check
whether all four tires are the same diameter and whether any of the tires has a
puncture or has lost air pressure for some