Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Key reminder chime

The reminder chime sounds when the driver’s door opens and the key is in the “LOCK” or “Acc” positions. The chime stops when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position or the key is removed from the ignition switch.


 Ignition switch light

For easy access to the ignition switch in the dark, the ignition switch light illuminates when driver’s door is opened or when the driver’s door is unlocked using the remote keyless entry tran

 Hazard warning flasher

The hazard warning flasher is used to warn other drivers when you have to park your vehicle under emergency conditions. The hazard warning flasher works with the ignition switch in any position.

 Meters and gauges

NOTE Liquid crystal displays are used in some of the meters and gauges in the combination meter. You will find their indications hard to see if you wear polarized glasses.


 Reduction Driven Gear

A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the transmission from the vehicle. <Ref. to CVT-55, REMOVAL, Automatic Transmission Assembly.> 2) Remove the extension case. <Ref. to CVT-138, REMOVAL, Extension Case.> 3) Remove the rear drive shaft. <Ref. to CVT-141, REMOVAL, Rear Drive Shaft.> 4) Remove

 Frontal airbag system operation

  1) Driver’s side 2) Passenger’s side The SRS airbag can function only when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position. The SUBARU advanced frontal airbag system is designed to determine the activation or deactivation condition of the front passenger’s SRS

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