Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Tire information


 Tire labeling

Many markings (e.g. Tire size, Tire Identification Number or TIN) are placed on the sidewall of a tire by tire manufacturers. These marking can provide you with useful information on the tire.

 Tire size

Your vehicle comes equipped with P-Metric tire size. It is important to understand the sizing system in selecting the proper tire for your vehicles. Here is a brief review of the tire sizing syste

 Tire Identification Number (TIN)

Tire Identification Number (TIN) is marked on the intended outboard sidewall. The TIN is composed of four groups. Here is a brief review of the TIN with a breakdown of its individual elements.


 Synthetic leather upholstery

The synthetic leather material used on the SUBARU may be cleaned using mild soap or detergent and water, after first vacuuming or brushing away loose dirt. Allow the soap to soak in for a few minutes and wipe off with a clean, damp cloth. Commercial foam-type cleaners suitable for synthetic le

 General Description of Power Assisted System

A: SPECIFICATION B: COMPONENT 1. STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN Bushing Insulator (CVT model) Steering shaft Knee protector Steering roll connector Column cover Steering wheel lower cover Paddle shift Steering wheel Switch Protector

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