Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Two separate circuits

Your vehicle has a dual circuit brake system. Each circuit works diagonally across the vehicle. If one circuit of the brake system should fail, the other half of the system still works. If one circuit fails, the brake pedal will go down much closer to the floor than usual and you will need to press it down much harder. And a much longer distance will be needed to stop the vehicle.


 Brake assist system

WARNING Do not be overconfident about the brake assist. It is not a system that brings more braking ability to the vehicle beyond its braking capability. Always use the utmost care when driving r

 Disc brake pad wear warning indicators

The disc brake pad wear warning indicators on the disc brakes give a warning noise when the brake pads are worn. If a squeaking or scraping noise is heard from the disc brakes while braking, im



A: REMOVAL 1. RADIO ANTENNA AMPLIFIER Sedan model 1) Remove the rear quarter trim LH. <Ref. to EI-110, SEDAN MODEL, REMOVAL, Rear Quarter Trim.> 2) Remove the radio antenna amplifier assembly. Disconnect the connector. Remove the bolts, and then remove the radio antenna amplifier assem

 Air Mix Door Actuator

A: REMOVAL 1. DRIVER'S SEAT 1) Remove the instrument panel lower cover. <Ref. to EI-64, REMOVAL, Instrument Panel Lower Cover.> 2) Remove the bolts, and remove the knee guard panel. 3) Remove the body integrated unit. CAUTION: Be careful to keep water and other foreign materials away from b

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