Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Backward direction

Turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial counterclockwise to skip to the beginning of the

Turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial counterclockwise to skip to the beginning of the current track/file (track). Each time the dial is turned, the indicated track/file (track) number will decrease.


In an MP3, WMA or AAC folder, skipping past the first track/file (track) will take you to the last track/file (track) in the folder.


 Fast-forwarding and fast-reversing


Press the “” side of the “SEEK” button continuously to fast-forward the track/file. Release the button to stop fast-forwarding. NOTE If you fast-forward to the end of the last track/file


Type A audio Type B audio To repeat a track/file (track), briefly press the “RPT/RDM” button (type A audio) or “RPT” button (type B audio) while the track/file (track) is playing. Eac


 Front Reduction Drive Gear

A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the transmission assembly from the vehicle. <Ref. to CVT-55, REMOVAL, Automatic Transmission Assembly.> 2) Remove the air breather hose. <Ref. to CVT-132, REMOVAL, Air Breather Hose.> 3) Remove the oil pan and control valve body. <Ref. to CVT-111, REMOVAL, Cont

 Door interlock switch

1) Door interlock switch Although the map light switches are in the OFF position (manually off), the map lights can be set to illuminate automatically in conjunction with a door opening, etc. by use of the door interlock switch. The door interlock switch has the following two positions. OF

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