Subaru Outback (BR): Breaking-in of new brake pads and linings
When replacing the brake pad or lining, use only genuine SUBARU parts. After
replacement, the new parts must be broken in as follows:
While maintaining a speed of 30 to 40 mph (50 to 65 km/h), step on the brake
pedal lightly. Repeat this five or more times.
The break-in maintenance for the parking brake linings should be performed at
a SUBARU dealer.
1) Shift the select lever or gear shift lever to neutral.
2) Release the parking brake.
3) Disconnect the ground cable from battery.
4) Loosen the wheel nuts.
5) Lift up the vehicle.
6) Remove the rear wheels.
7) Drain differential gear oil. <Ref. to DI-23, REPLACEMENT,
1. Place the child restraint system in the rear seating position.
2. Run the lap and shoulder belt through or around the child restraint system
following the instructions provided by its manufacturer.
3. Insert the tongue plate into the buckle until you hear a click.
4. Take up the slack in
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