Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Maintenance and service


 Maintenance schedule

The scheduled maintenance items required to be serviced at regular intervals are shown in the “Warranty and Maintenance Booklet”. For details about your maintenance schedule, read the separate

 Maintenance precautions

When maintenance and service are required, it is recommended that all work be done by an authorized SUBARU dealer. If you perform maintenance and service by yourself, you should familiarize yoursel

 Before checking or servicing in the engine compartment

WARNING ● Always stop the engine and apply the parking brake to prevent the vehicle from moving. ● Always let the engine cool down. Engine parts become very hot when the engine is ru


 Backward direction

Turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial counterclockwise to skip to the beginning of the current track/file (track). Each time the dial is turned, the indicated track/file (track) number will decrease. NOTE In an MP3, WMA or AAC folder, skipping past the first track/file (track) will take you to

 Most common causes of corrosion

The most common causes of corrosion are: 1. The accumulation of moisture retaining dirt and debris in body panel sections, cavities, and other areas. 2. Damage to paint and other protective coatings caused by gravel and stone chips or minor accidents. Corrosion is accelerated on the vehicle w

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