Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Channel selection by operating the dial

Turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial clockwise to select the next channel and turn the

Turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial clockwise to select the next channel and turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial counterclockwise to select the previous channel.


 Channel selection by pressing the button

When in the SAT mode, briefly press the “SEEK” button “” or “” to select the channel.

 Skip channel selection

When in the SAT mode, press the “SEEK” button “” or “” continuously to change to the channel selection mode. Pressing the “SEEK” button “” changes the channel up by 10 step

 Category selection

To activate the category search mode, press the “PTY/CAT” button. To deactivate the category search mode, press the “PTY/CAT” button again. When in the category search mode, pressing th


 Shock sensors (dealer option)

The shock sensors trigger the alarm system when they sense impacts applied to the vehicle and when any of their electric wires is cut. The alarm system causes the horn to sound and the turn signal lights to flash for a short time when the sensed impact is weak, but it warns of a strong impact

 Select Lever (removal, installation, disassembly, inspection)

A: REMOVAL 1) Shift the select lever to "N" range. 2) Disconnect the ground cable from battery. 3) Lift up the vehicle. 4) Remove the rear exhaust pipe. 2.5 L non-turbo model <Ref. to EX(H4SO)-9, REMOVAL, Rear Exhaust Pipe.> 3.6 L model <Ref. to EX(H6DO)-8, REMOV

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