Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Difference between screen and actual road

The distance markers show the distance for a level road when the vehicle is not loaded. It may be different from the actual distance depending on the loading conditions or road conditions.

When there is an upward slope at the back

1) 3 feet (1 m)

1) 3 feet (1 m)

The distance on the screen looks farther than the actual distance.

When there is a downward slope at the back

1) 3 feet (1 m)

1) 3 feet (1 m)

The distance on the screen looks nearer than the actual distance.


When cargo is loaded, the rear view distance on the screen looks farther than the actual distance as in an upward slope.


 Feature of distance marker

1) 3 feet (1 m) line 2) 6.5 feet (2 m) line 3) 10 feet (3 m) line The distance marker shows the distance on the road. If there is a car or other object close behind, distance cannot be correctl

 Starting and operating


 Auto-dimming mirror with compass (if equipped)

1) LED 2) Switch 3) Sensor 4) Compass display The auto-dimming mirror has an anti-glare feature which automatically reduces glare coming from headlights of vehicles behind you. It also contains a built-in compass. ● By pressing and holding the switch for less than 3 seconds, the aut

 Automatic Transmission Assembly

A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the front wheels. 2) Fully open the front hood. 3) Disconnect the ground cable from battery. 4) Remove the collector cover. NOTE: Follow the steps below when removing the collector cover. Pull up the two points at the rear (A). Pull up the two points at the front (B) whil

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