Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Display selection in CD player

If you press the “TEXT” button during playback, the indication will change to


If you press the “TEXT” button during playback, the indication will change to the next one in the following sequence.

For CD-DA:

Page (track/folder title) scroll



 Page (track/folder title) scroll

If you press the “TEXT” button again for at least 0.5 second, the title will be scrolled so you can see all of it. NOTE The display is designed to show titles for up to 30 characters.

 Folder selection

Press the “” side of the “FOLDER” button briefly to select the next folder. Press the “” side of the button briefly to go back to the previous folder. NOTE ● Selecting folde

 How to eject a CD from the player (type A)

When a disc is being played back or when a disc is in the player, press the eject button “”. The disc will be ejected. NOTE ● Avoid driving the vehicle with a CD sticking out, because


 Key Lock Cylinders

A: REPLACEMENT 1. FRONT DOOR 1) Raise the front door glass to the top position. 2) Remove the door trim. <Ref. to EI-60, FRONT DOOR, REMOVAL, Door Trim.> 3) Remove the sealing cover. CAUTION: Carefully remove the butyl tape. Excessive force will easily break the cover. If the sealing co

 State emission testing (U.S. only)

WARNING Testing of an All-Wheel Drive vehicle must NEVER be performed on a single two-wheel dynamometer. Attempting to do so will result in uncontrolled vehicle movement and may cause an accident or injuries to persons nearby. CAUTION Resultant vehicle damage due to improper testing is not co

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