Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Efficient cooling after parking in direct sunlight

After parking in direct sunlight, drive with the windows open for a few minutes to allow outside air to circulate into the heated interior. This results in quicker cooling by the air conditioner. Keep the windows closed during the operation of the air conditioner for maximum cooling efficiency.


 Lubrication oil circulation in the refrigerant circuit

Operate the air conditioner compressor at a low engine speed (at idle or low driving speeds) a few minutes each month during the off-season to circulate its oil.

 Checking air conditioning system before summer season

Check the air conditioner unit for refrigerant leaks, hose conditions, and proper operation each spring. Have the air conditioning system checked by your SUBARU dealer.

 Cooling and dehumidifying in high humidity and low temperature weather condition

Under certain weather conditions (high relative humidity, low temperatures, etc.) a small amount of water vapor emission from the air outlets may be noticed. This condition is normal and does not


 ABS Sequence Control

A: OPERATION 1) While the ABS sequence control is being performed, the operation of the hydraulic unit can be checked using the brake tester or pressure gauge after the hydraulic unit solenoid valve operation. 2) ABS sequence control can be started by the Subaru Select Monitor. 1. ABS SEQUENCE CO

 DTC P0202, P0203, P0204, P0222, P0222, P0223, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0327, P0328, P0335, P0336, P0340, P0341, P0351, P0352, P0353, P0354, P0400, P0420, P0442, P0447, P0448, P0451, P0452

BA:DTC P0202 INJECTOR #2 NOTE: For the diagnostic procedure, refer to DTC P0201. <Ref. to EN(H4SO)(diag)-162, DTC P0201 INJECTOR #1, Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC).> BB:DTC P0203 INJECTOR #3 NOTE: For the diagnostic procedure, refer to DTC P0201. <Ref. to EN(H4SO)(

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