Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Tuning


 Manual tuning

Turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial clockwise to increase the tuning frequency and turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial counterclockwise to decrease it. Each time the dial is turned, the frequency int

 Seek tuning (SEEK)

If you press the “” or “” side of the “SEEK” button briefly, the radio will automatically search for a receivable station and stop at the first one it finds. This function may not be


 Cylinder Head

A: REMOVAL NOTE: When replacing a single part, perform the work with the engine assembly installed to body. Refer to "Valve Clearance" for preparation procedures. <Ref. to ME(H4SO)-29, Valve Clearance.> When performing the work with the engine installed to body, the following parts must


A: REMOVAL 1) Disconnect the ground cable from battery. 2) Using the refrigerant recovery system, discharge refrigerant. <Ref. to AC-24, PROCEDURE, Refrigerant Recovery Procedure.> 3) Drain the coolant from the radiator. H4 non-turbo model: <Ref. to CO(H4SO)-14, DRAINING OF ENGINE COOL

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