Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Heating

To direct warm air toward the floor: 1. Set the air inlet selection button to the OFF position.

2. Press the “3. Set the temperature control dial to the most comfortable level.” button.

3. Set the temperature control dial to the most comfortable level.

4. Set the fan speed control dial to the desired speed.


 Bi-level heating

This setting allows you to direct air of different temperatures from the instrument panel and foot outlets. The air from the foot outlets is slightly warmer than from the instrument panel outlets.


To force outside air through the instrument panel outlets: 1. Set the air inlet selection button to the OFF position. 2. Press the “” button. 3. Set the temperature control dial all the way lef

 Air conditioner operation


 Channel scan

If you press the “SCAN” button while the radio is in the category search mode, the radio turns to the category SCAN mode. In the category SCAN mode, the radio scans only channels in the selected category. If you press the “SCAN” button while the radio is not in the category search mo

 Passenger's Airbag Module

A: REMOVAL CAUTION: Refer to "CAUTION" of "General Description" before handling the airbag module. <Ref. to AB-9, CAUTION, General Description.> 1) Turn the ignition switch to OFF. 2) Disconnect the ground cable from battery and wait for at least 60 seconds before starting work. 3) Remove

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