Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Locking the passengers’ windows

1) Lock

1) Lock
2) Unlock

To lock:

Press the lock switch. When the lock switch is in the lock position, the passengers’ windows cannot be opened or closed.

To unlock:

Press the lock switch again.


 Power window operation by passengers

 Passenger’s side power window switches

Each passenger window can be controlled by the power window switch located on the door.

 Operating the windows

To open: Press the switch down and hold it until the window reaches the desired position. To close: Pull the switch up and hold it until the window reaches the desired position. When the lock s



A: INSPECTION Check for leakage of CVTF from transmission. B: ADJUSTMENT CAUTION: CVTF level changes along with CVTF temperature. When inspecting CVTF level, observe the specified CVTF temperature. Always use specified CVTF or equivalent. Using other fluid than specified or equivalent will c

 Operating the driver’s window

1) Automatically open/close 2) Open/close To open: Press the switch down lightly and hold it. The window will open as long as the switch is held. This switch also has a one-touch auto down function that allows the window to be opened fully without holding the switch. Press the switch down

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