Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): To decrease the speed (by the “RES/SET” switch)

Press the “RES/SET” switch to the “SET” side and hold it until the vehicle reaches

Press the “RES/SET” switch to the “SET” side and hold it until the vehicle reaches the desired speed. Then, release the switch. The vehicle speed at that moment will be memorized and treated as the new set speed.

U.S.-spec. models

When the difference between the actual vehicle speed and the set speed is less than 4 mph (6.8 km/h), the set speed can be lowered 1 mph (1.6 km/h) each time by pressing the “RES/SET” switch to the “SET” side quickly.

Canada-spec. models

When the difference between the actual vehicle speed and the set speed is less than 4.4 km/h, the set speed can be lowered 1 km/h each time by pressing the “RES/SET” switch to the “SET” side quickly.


 To decrease the speed (by brake pedal)

1. Depress the brake pedal to release cruise control temporarily. 2. When the speed decreases to the desired speed, press the “RES/SET” switch to the “SET” side once. Now the desired speed

 Cruise control indicator light

The cruise control indicator light illuminates when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position and turns off after approximately 3 seconds. The light illuminates when the “CRUISE”

 Cruise control activation indicator light

The indicator light for cruise control activation illuminates upon turning the ignition switch to the “ON” position and remains lit for around 3 seconds. This light becomes illuminated


 How to insert a CD(s) (type B)

1. Briefly press the “LOAD” button. If the magazine in the player has an idle position where you can insert a disc, the disc number indicator associated with the idle position will blink. If no indicator blinks, it means that there is no idle position in the magazine. 2. When the “LOAD

 Trunk Lid

A: REMOVAL 1. TRUNK LID DAMPER STAY 1) Open the trunk lid. 2) Remove the trunk lid damper stay. Float the lock pin using a flat tip screwdriver, etc. and slide it. Remove the trunk lid damper stay by pulling the damper stay mounting point. 2. TRUNK LID HINGE 1) Open the trunk lid. 2) Remove

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