Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Vehicle identification

1) Emission control label

1) Emission control label 2) Vehicle identification number 3) Certification and bar code label 4) Tire inflation pressure label 5) Vehicle identification number plate 6) Model number label
7) Fuel label
8) Air conditioner label


 Consumer information and Reporting safety defects

 For U.S.A

The following information has been compiled according to Code of Federal Regulations “Title 49, Part 575”.

 Tire information


 Road surface freeze warning indication

1) U.S.-spec. models 2) Except U.S.-spec. models When the outside temperature drops to 378F (38C) or lower, the temperature indication flashes to show that the road surface may be frozen. If the outside temperature drops to 378F (38C) or lower while the display is giving an indication other

 Clutch Disc and Cover

A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the transmission assembly from vehicle body. <Ref. to 6MT-25, REMOVAL, Manual Transmission Assembly.> 2) Attach the ST to the flywheel. ST 499747100 CLUTCH DISC GUIDE Clutch cover 3) Remove the clutch cover and clutch disc. NOTE: Take care not to allow oil to touch

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